Kristen Payette

Kristen Payette

Kristen Payette | Management | VillaSport Athletic Club and Spa Cypress, TX

Group Exercise Director

Kristen's journey started in 2010 when she took her first group exercise class. She fell in love with the format and the way she felt both during and after class. This inspired her to try other classes and discovered she had a hidden passion for health and fitness. That passion then grew beyond herself and turned into a calling.

Kristen is now a certified instructor in LES MILLS BODYBALANCE, BODYPUMP, TONE, THE TRIP and BODYCOMBAT. She has more than ten years experience in the health industry including the YMCA, Fit Body Boot Camp, Fitness Project, and Next Level Fitness. Kristen is a certified Personal Trainer and licensed Massage Therapist with over five years experience. She also specialize in sports massage and trigger point therapy.

Kristen is a firm believer that a holistic balanced life is the key to happiness and longevity. Her mantra is simple, "Lasting change is created one choice at a time. Be brave and shine on!"