Group Exercise Attendance

Group Exercise Attendance

As we strive to maximize and manage attendance and studio capacities for your safety and comfort, we believe our reservation process is key. Once you know your schedule, use our convenient reservation system to register for class; this may mean waiting until closer to the class day/time. Once scheduled, be sure to cancel if your plans change! Early cancellation allows fellow members to sign up for open spots. Accurate registration data offers us valuable insight to ensure we offer the right classes at the right times.

The purpose of our attendance policy is to serve as a deterrent to late cancellations and no-shows. Please note the following late cancellation/no-show fees:

Cancel 1 hour before class start | no cancellation fee

Cancel less than 1 hour before class start | $4 per class after your 3rd occurrence

Failure to attend or cancel | $8 per class after your 3rd occurrence

Please review these FAQs for details on our policy. If you have additional questions, please contact your Group Exercise Director at

Can I register for a class right up until the start time?

Yes. WE WELCOME WALK-INS! Simply register as you walk into class. Waitlisted members will be allowed in the studio at the start of class (one minute prior to class start in the RIDE studio) when space permits.

Cancel your reservation as soon as you can and strive to meet the 1-hour advance notice deadline.

You will not be charged for the first 3 occurrences. After your 3rd occurrence, you will be charged a no-show/late cancellation fee per class based on the graduated scale set forth above.

We understand emergencies can happen, and we will waive the fee for weather and health-related emergencies.

You will receive an email when you are moved into a class. Unregister if you can’t make it. If it is within the 1-hour notice period, you will not be charged if you are unable to attend. Waitlisted members will be allowed in the studio at the start of class (1 minute prior to class start in the RIDE studio) when space permits.


Thank you for helping fellow members reach their fitness goals by cancelling unwanted reservations.


View the Group Ex Schedule